
How to: vet data

The main aim of this analysis toolbox is to make inferences about a participant’s discounting behaviour. These inferences are captured by our posterior distributions over model parameters. However, these distributions only have a meaningful interpretation if the model is a reasonable explanation of how a participant is actually responding. Therefore we may need to exclude some data if the model used is a very poor fit to the data.

As of version 1.3, we can quantitatively assess the model goodness of fit, and use this as a basis for excluding participants. Two measures are calculated:

Currently, I am recommending the following exclusion criterion:

Exclude a datafile (or participant) if the distribution of ‘Percent responses predicted’ overlaps with 0.5.

This amounts to saying, if we do not believe that the model can predict the responses in an experiment session greater than a control model (random responding), then we have no faith that the parameter estimates carry any meaning, and will therefore exclude this data file.

If you are using a repeated measures experiment design, then you may wish to exclude an entire participant even if the model is no better than chance just for one condition.

This exclusion criterion is usefully indicated in the .csv file of parameter estimates that the software exports. Look for the column labelled warning_percent_predicted. See the example below:

example warning image


Good fit

example good fit

Bad fit, which was detected as such

This did not have Rhat convergence issues, but our posterior predictive checks highlighted this model is not better than a random model. example bad fit 1

Bad fit, detected by eye

A bad fit, which was not flagged as having poor convergence, nor a poor ability to predict responses. I’ve found such cases to be relatively rate, but I do recommend manual checking (see below).

example bad fit 2

If you are using any sort of hierarchical estimation model, then I recommend:

  1. Run the analysis on all data.
  2. Examine the exported parameter estimates, and check to see if any data files have been flagged as warning_percent_predicted equal to 1 (i.e. true).
  3. Examine the exported figures and make any additional qualitative judgements (see advice below) on exclusion.
  4. Re-run the analysis, but having excluded the appropriate data files.

If you are using entirely independent estimation models, then the parameter estimates of one participant are indecent of another. Therefore you can simply discard any data from the parameter estimates, i.e. ignoring step 4 above.