
Parameter estimation options

When initiating model parameter estimation, there is only one required input, which is the a data. So you can get up and running very quickly with a simple call like this…

myData = Data(datapath, 'files', allFilesInFolder(datapath, 'txt'));
model = ModelHierarchicalME(myData);

The model being used

The function being called constructs a Model object and then proceeds to do parameter estimation. The toolbox provides a number of models to use, and it is important to pick the one appropriate for your data and research question. See the Models page for more information.

Required function argument: a Data object

The first input has to be a Data object. This can be constructed as follows

Data(datapath, 'files', allFilesInFolder(datapath, 'txt'))

The first argument must be a string, specifying the location of data files. We also need one key/value pair:

Key Values
'files' must be a cell array of strings

the input can either be a manually specified cell array of strings, or the output of a utility function that yields a cell array of strings. Here, I use a helper function allFilesInFolder() which outputs a cell array of strings, namely all of the .txt files in the specified datapath. You can feel free to write your own utility function, as long as the input is a cell array of strings, it should work.

Optional key/value pairs

The rest of the arguments are optional key/value pairs

Key Values
'timeUnits' 'minutes' or 'hours' or 'days' [default]
'pointEstimateType' 'mean' or 'median' or 'mode' [default]
'shouldPlot' 'yes' or 'no' [default]
'shouldExportPlots' 'true' [default] or 'false'
'exportFormats' a cell array of output formats, e.g. {'png', 'pdf'} (default is {'png'} only)
'shouldExportPlots' true or false
'savePath' a string defining the folder location to save exports in
'mcmcParams' a structure (see below)

You can override the default MCMC sampling parameters by providing a structure in the form of:

struct('nsamples', 10^5,...
    'nchains', 4,...
    'nburnin', 10^3)


Please see run_me.m for a working example. But here is a quick example of how to conduct the parameter estimation

model = ModelHierarchicalME(Data(datapath, 'files', allFilesInFolder(datapath, 'txt')),...
    'timeUnits', 'days',...
    'savePath', fullfile(pwd,'output','my_analysis'),...
    'pointEstimateType', 'mode',...
    'shouldPlot', 'no',...
    'shouldExportPlots', false,...
    'exportFormats', {'png'},...
    'mcmcParams', struct('nsamples', 100000, 'nchains', 4, 'nburnin', 1000));